Improved Services : Company Profile
The history of Improved Services BV begins at the revision department of Dutch North Sea Services (D.N.S. BV), a concept from the early years of the Dutch Offshore industry at the time that the N.A.M. started their offshore activities on the North Sea. As brand-independent service- and revisionworkshop of rotating equipment and their accessories, revisions were carried out for centrifugal pumps, fans and blowers, gearboxes, steamturbines, windlasses, centrifugal compressors, hammer mills, reciprocating compressors, stonecrushers, bearingbreakets, winches, separators, electric motors, gasturbines, generators, rolls, driving gears etc.
The corporate philosophy was to not only involve in revising rotating equipment - whereby bearings, lip seals, specific spare parts and mechanical seals were replaced - but to also engage with advising and application of modifications in design, as well as putting forward solutions for the causes of malfunctions or failures. The aim of it was to increase the reliability of the system where the rotating equipment formed part of, and thus raise the machine availability to a higher level. The logical consequences thereof were extension of the Mean Time Between Repair (MTBR) and lower maintenance costs: in short, improving returns of the installation. Specialisations contributing to this, among others, were: balancing, vibrations monitoring and their analyses, aligning with laser equipement and condition monitoring.
Advising customers consisted among others of selecting the appropriate mechanical seal type and manifacture, applying composite materials in bearing- and wear rings of pumps, giving advise on - and applying techniques of surface treatments, reverse engineering, thermal coating of shaft and sleeve bushes, coating of pump housings, and supplying non-contacting seals as a substitute for outdated types of labyrinth seals and lipseals. After more than 30 years of experience in among others the food and maritime industries, water en waste water, the petrochemical industry, steel industry, pulp and paper industry, HVAC- en bulk goods industries, Improved Services BV has specialised in increasing the reliability and extending the Mean Time Between Repair (MTBR) of rotating equipment, whereby issues and advice in the field of ball bearings and sleeve bearings, energy saving and avoiding any loss of production and product leakage play a crucial role.
As the inventor and innovator of non-contacting bearing seals, the so-called Bearing Isolator and Airmizer, Inpro/Seal is the market leader in the field of supplying and developing permanent bearing protection and product sealing for and at numerous applications in rotating equipment. Regardless of sizing and/or complexity of the application, for each of them the engineers know how to design a customised solution.
Since 2002 Improved Services BV has acquired the exclusive representation of Inpro/Seal on the Dutch market.